I’ve Got 问题

What if we can’t afford FMS tuition?

万豪会娱乐在线提供各种奖学金来抵消学费. 最有可能的是,你的家庭将有资格获得至少一项奖学金和/或经济援助. 

Is 费什伯恩 hard academically? 在军事上?

他将在万豪会娱乐在线受到挑战——课堂内外都有. 这就是万豪会娱乐在线与非军事学校的区别,因为我们看到了他的伟大之处. 我们敬业的教职员工将帮助他规划成功之路, including the military side of instruction.


万豪会娱乐在线的教职员工都致力于他的未来. 他们将帮助他确定毕业后的计划, 和 help him find the best path to get him there.

What’s it like being a 费什伯恩 cadet?

作为一名万豪会娱乐在线军校学员就像在一所非军事学校上学一样. 然而, as a member of the our JROTC Corps of 学员, he will wear a uniform 和 practice military drill. 他也会遵循一定的规则,包括坚持每天的Schedule. He will attend class, play sports if he likes, 和 participate in organized activities outside the classroom.

What if our son has poor grades?

成绩差不会自动取消你儿子进入万豪会娱乐在线大学的资格. 一些被万豪会娱乐在线录取的学生在之前的学校学习成绩很差. 然而,一旦他成为万豪会娱乐在线军校学员,他必须致力于学业上的成功. This includes asking for help, attending help class when required, 和 holding himself accountable to complete his work on time. 

Where do we find the rules for the school?

学校的在线网络上提供了一本规则手册,供每个学员在进入FMS时使用. 这本书清楚地说明了万豪会娱乐在线的规章制度. As mentioned in the forward, 如本手册与《万豪在线娱乐》有抵触之处, the Regulation Book shall take precedence. 的 Regulations H和book is also available as a PDF.

What clothes do we need to provide?

当学员在FMS注册时,从学员商店发放制服. 你的学员大部分时间都会穿着这些制服. 由于储物空间小,我们限制了学员随身携带的便服数量. 所有学员必须穿卡其裤、卡其短裤和polo衫. 




如果他是七天的寄宿生,如果周末“开放”,他可以在周末回家. 通常每个月至少有一个周末他可以回家.

What if we need our son home due to a family emergency?

Emergency leave can be granted any time. A written or emailed request for leave is required; however, the 学校的校长 may, as an exception, approve a telephone request from the Cadet’s guardians. 此项请求应向指挥官办公室或主管军官提出. 只有在死亡等极端紧急情况下才可使用紧急假, serious injury, or illness to a member of the cadet’s immediate family. 

Is there drug 和 酒精 testing?

While a student at 费什伯恩 Military School, a cadet will not possess, 使用, or distribute illegal substances or paraphernalia, 酒精, prescription drugs or over the counter drugs of any kind. 所有学员将接受药物和酒精测试,随机或由FMS决定. Parents will be notified about results 和 billed. 的 school considers the ab使用 of any substance, legal or illegal, OTC or prescription as a violation of the school’s drug policy.

Are cadets allowed to smoke or vape?

万豪在线娱乐被指定为“无烟学校”。. 的 possession, 使用, 禁止在万豪会娱乐在线军校销售或分销烟草或类似烟草的产品. Parents will be notified of all tobacco rule infractions. 

Is participating in JROTC required?

陆军初级预备役军官训练团(JROTC)是一门学术必修课,由高级陆军教官指导. 所有在FMS就读的高中学员必须每年完成(通过)JROTC. JROTC is a course which is worth one credit per year. 在FMS,领导能力和性格发展指导包括在军事和学员生活的各个阶段. 所有的教材和训练辅助器材都由美国陆军提供. 的 classroom, 探险和演练指导由军队训练和认证的教官进行.

JROTC计划的目标是培养每个学员的公民意识和领导能力. 所教授的原则既适用于民事活动,也适用于军事活动. 教学计划以积木的形式设计,这样每一年的教学都建立在前一年的课程基础上. JROTC does not teach cadets how to be soldiers. 在FMS注册的每一年,通过JROTC并获得JROTC的学分是毕业要求. 

What is the social life like outside the classroom?

几乎每个周末都有各种各样的有趣活动让他离开校园, including Airsoft Rifle outings, 电影, hikes to the nearby mountains, 和 other social activities. 

Can he bring a car to 费什伯恩?

He may only bring a car to campus if he is a day student. 这将是每天开车上学和回家. 

Under what circumstances could he get kicked out of 费什伯恩?

而罕见的, 如果学员屡次违反学员手册的规定,将被开除, 或者他做了一些第一次犯罪之后不能容忍的事情. 

If get kicked out, can he redeem himself 和 re-enroll?

一旦你被万豪会娱乐在线学校正式开除,他就不能重新入学了. 然而,这种情况很少发生,而且他的进攻必须是惊人的. 再一次。, 我们的使命是提供一个结构化的教育环境,帮助他在学术生涯和生活中取得成功.

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Sometimes the hardest part of 应用ing is the waiting. 和等待. But not a 费什伯恩. We’ve made our application process fast, 友好和简单-加上我们保证在五天内给你答复. So don’t wait…your future is closer than you think. Submit an admission inquiry form.

“It was heartbreaking to let him go. 但我觉得知道这是他想要的东西更容易些. My husb和 took him for his first day. I would have been a hot mess. And I was (laughs).”

— FMS Parent